On Saturday, an online parent meeting was held for parents of the 1st year. The following issues were on the agenda:
• Organization of the educational process in remote mode
• Organization of the educational process
• Any Other Business. Read more →
Committee on youth Affairsof private establishment “Zerek College”, as well as those who expressed a desire, attended an online conference with Representatives of the house of Friendship. Read more →
Координатор программы по профилактике инфекционных, а также особо опасных заболеваний МУ «КОЦПФЗОЖ», Есентаева Динара, провела онлайн конференцию по следующим вопросам: Covid-19 профилактика заболевания, иммунитет – наша сила и сахарный диабет. Конференция прошла интересно и познавательно. Read more →
Since 2013, every second Sunday in September, the Republic of Kazakhstan celebrates family Day. Why is family Day so important? Kazakhstan introduced this holiday to emphasize the importance of family happiness for the life of every citizen. It is in the family that we: get a start, find support and protection in any circumstances; realize the desire to love and care for others. These feelings and desires of relatives are mutual; the family circle is the source of the formation of an individual, a unique personality.
In the context of distance learning, the health day was also held remotely! Teachers performed exercises under the guidance of a physical education teacher, and at the end held a flash mob! Students connected via the Zoom platform and repeated the exercises after the teachers. Everyone had positive emotions, students wrote to groups and shared their impressions with classmates!
A volunteer in the group «Bolashak» Nazymbekova Aina, today passed with her own hands, awards for children from 3 months. The awards were made from a long material with an oil-bearing base. The Senior Medical Center of Kostanay State Establishment «Kostanay House of the dolphin» with pleasure took up nothing and small, but such necessary assistance!
The Chinese coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, also formerly known as 2019-nCoV, continues to panic across the globe, extending far beyond the Chinese province of Hubei, where it was first detected in December 2019. We remind you that infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus causes the development of coronavirus infection COVID-19, which manifests itself mainly in the form of pneumonia. Among the main symptoms are high and high body temperature, weakness, cough, breathing problems, muscle pain and discomfort. in the chest, alternating with chest pain. The main routes of infection with coronavirus are airborne droplets and contact-household.
Our College volunteers help clean up the area every year. Since this training is different in that all students are trained on distance learning, the volunteers decided not to deviate from the traditions and remove the territory at the place of residence!