Private institution
"ZEREK College"

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To date, the prevention of autodestructive behavior in students is one of the most important tasks facing the specialists of the support service and teachers.

This is due to both an increase in suicide attempts among students and a high information threat in this direction. The active actions of destructive groups in social networks, the availability of information on the Internet, the uncertainty and often helplessness of surrounding adults makes complex work in this direction extremely relevant and necessary.

05.01.22 . A training seminar for the teaching staff "Prevention of autodestructive behavior: new forms, methods and approaches" was held at the ZEREK College. The organizers of this event were: A.A. Baranova, head of the psychological department of KSU "RCPPiDO", L.A. Dukarskaya, methodologist of the psychological department of KSU "RCPPiDO", psychologist Akanova Zh.A. During the training seminar, teachers received new techniques and methods of working with students at risk. I would like to cancel the accessible and relaxed atmosphere of the training. We express our gratitude to the organizers of RCPPiDO!